DAy 1 of 30

 How many of you have looked in the mirror and found something wrong with your body? Have you poked and prodded at your own skin wishing that it would be more like this or less like that? How many of you have been on a diet? Or a cleanse, or a detox hoping shed a few pounds or more? How many of you have cried because you weren’t happy with your body? How many of you have limited yourself from joining in certain activities like swimming, yoga, or running because you were to uncomfortable to bear your body to the public eye?

This month I would like to go beyond the skin of my face and raise an awareness of how to liberate our bodies from confinement. This is a much touchier topic and I expect this to be a few levels harder to handle than effortlessly foregoing makeup.

below the neck.jpg

As I go through this challenge there is without a doubt going to be many obstacles to face and a lot of the past struggles I dealt with will inevitably rise up again for me to acknowledge and let go of. Definitely something much easier to say than do, but even talking about such a sensitive topic will surely been hard work in itself.

 Now this is bound to get a lot trickier than just not wearing makeup, because Im not going to go walking around without my clothes on, unless it’s a hot day and Im at the nude beach, but being that it’s April I really don’t see this happening. What this challenge is meant to be is everyday pushing my body out of its comfort zone and this can be a variety of actions that I am excited and anxious to begin.

Yesterday was the first day of the below the neck skin liberation and I started out by going to a swim suit shop to buy myself not a nice new pretty bathing suit, but a workout suit. It was all overwhelming at first and I had no idea what size I am, so I asked a women, and although she rolled her eyes at me for not knowing better I found out that it is based on your bra and cup size! Really never would have figured that one out.

 I tried on 4 different swimsuits, one navy blue, one light grey, and two black. I took pictures of myself in each one even though I really didn’t enjoy the looks of my pooch popping out. Oh and whats that? Cellulite! That’s right girls, even someone seemingly skinny can have her fair share of fatty tissue. But I am not going to start calling myself fat, I have fat, but that does not mean I AM fat. No one IS fat. We have it, we all have it, but are never it.

I ended up going with a simple black suit that had a bit thicker straps and minimal padding for added comfort. I don’t want to push myself so far out of my comfort zone that I never go swimming! SO that was my first small step towards bodily liberation and I will continue to update you on my journey.

Also I would like to say that I am by no means focusing on weight loss or size here. My scale is dead and I don’t plan on fixing it. I am simply pushing myself to embrace my body. I want to treat my body with love and care and become more comfortable bearing my flesh.

Much Love

One thought on “DAy 1 of 30

  1. Very excited by your new challenge & will be following along as best I can ! This is one lesson I feel I really need. Thanks for the continued inspiration. 🙂

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